Sunday, February 27, 2011


I respond to the Articles published in the Monitor of 13 Monday, September, 2010 titled ‘Legalize abortion to save babies and mothers, says health expert’. In the article it was claimed that over 6,000 deaths every year result from unsafe abortions which mainly result from stigma. And that forty six per cent of mothers in Uganda have unplanned pregnancies and as a result many of these opt for abortion to get rid of the unwanted babies. Unfortunately, the article is silent on the lives of aborted children! Whenever an abortion occurs, life is lost! This life lost should also be a matter of concern to Ugandans.
Another article published in the New vision of Thursday 22, July 2010 titled 'Uganda yet to ratify women's automatic right to abortion' reported that if Ugandan ratified the Maputo protocol, it would be possible in Uganda to have an automatic right to abortion. The supporters of abortion front two main arguments. First that some women are raped and conceive against their will. Second, that some women die while in labour due to a complicated pregnancy. Therefore such women should abort according to pro-abortion women groups. This second argument I think should not be debatable, neither should any state labour to legislate on it. Doctors should have discretion to take an ethical decision depending on the condition of the expectant mother.

Research has proved that the effects of abortion create a grave harm on any society and everything possible should be done to avoid this vice. These include genital track infection, haemorrhage, uterine and urinary perforation, bleeding in the first three months of future pregnancy, the likelihood of the next baby dying in the first few months, the next baby being born prematurely, more miscarriages, hatred of medical personnel who help the mother to abort, harm from future children who demand from their mother to produce their sister or brother she aborted, frequent visitation of the aborted baby in the former mother's dreams, psychological torture on every anniversary day of the aborted baby, ten times more likely to commit suicide after failure to fit in the society, child abuse by the mother of future children because she fills they are getting love which she denied the aborted child, memory impairment, depression, too much love for children which could result into stealing children from hospitals, likelihood of sterility and higher failure to get a partner than if she were a single mother. Most of these effects destroy a mother whom abortion is meant to save.

Supporters of abortion must put themselves in the shoes of those to be affected. Giving the other side of abortion is important. If the number of drug addicts increases in Uganda, does the government legalize drug trafficking? If the number of rapists shoots high, does the government decriminalise rape? It defeats logic to presuppose that abortion should be legalized because many expectant mothers are aborting?

From the Christian, Islam and African point of view, human life begins when the woman's egg is fertilized by a male sperm. For example, Genesis 25:21-22 mentions children and sons in the womb. Luke, 1:41, 44 talks of the baby who leapt for joy in the mother's womb. Luke 12:42-46 reminds us that we are stewards of our children. Islam (Almaidah, 5:32) teaches that whoever saves a life has saved all mankind. And according to Surah 17:31, we are warned not to kill our children. Man is a procreator not a destroyer. Africans by nature have a strong respect and love for children. Fathers and Mothers have always waited in happiness, joy and excitement upon knowing that the wife is pregnant. Basing on all these factors, I think Uganda should go slow on legalizing abortion. Wide sensitization workshops are necessary

Everest Turyahikayo

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